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We provide free literature to educate our readers about sexual abuse. You can help us stop sexual abuse by donating to our cause. Thank you for your support!







10 Ways To Suspect Sexual Abuse

The last situation a parent should ever want to think about is their child being sexually abused. But when behavior changes, abuse should be considered first. If you observe any of the following, ask your child if he/she is being abused:


  1. Sleep or eating disturbances

  2. Makes strong efforts to avoid a specific person, without an obvious reason

  3. An STD or pregnancy, especially under the age of 14

  4. Refusal to be left alone

  5. Fear of people of a specific type or gender

  6. Depression and social withdrawal or problems relating to peers

  7. School difficulties and sudden noticeable changes in behavior or regressive behavior (i.e. sucking thumb, clinging to parent, taking transitional object to school, etc.)

  8. Runs away from home

  9. Impulsivity, distractibility, difficulty concentrating; self-destructive or risk-taking behavior

  10. Displays knowledge or interest in sexual acts inappropriate to his or her age, or even seductive behavior


How To Respond If Your Child Exposes Sexual Abuse


  • ALWAYS believe your child if they report anything – do a full investigation.

  • Do not confront the perpetrator in front of the child. You need to handle it through the correct reporting department.

  • Don’t EVER hide sexual abuse. Many families feel they don’t want their dirty secret told. This causes great pain to the victim. The child deserves to heal, even if it’s a biological parent.

  • THE AVERAGE PERPERTRATOR molests over 200 children in his/her lifetime.

  • Forgiveness: Yes, the perpetrator can be forgiven. But, s/he should NEVER ever be around children again.

“It’s better to sleep out under a bridge and eat out of garbage than it is to allow sexual abuse to continue.” Dr. Kaye Smith












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